The Law Society has cautiously welcomed a £5.4 million investment into an existing mediation voucher scheme to help families resolve legal issues outside court. However, the Law Society did warn that more is needed to address the family courts’ backlog brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since the scheme was set up last year by the Family Mediation Council on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, 8,400 vouchers have been used. Each voucher provides £500 towards the cost of mediation for families in England and Wales. Of the 8,400 vouchers that have been used so far, 65% reached a whole or partial agreement. It is expected that around 10,200 more families will be helped in 2022/23 because of this investment.

John Taylor, chair of the Family Mediation Council, said: “The voucher scheme also brings financial savings for the government as people do not need to go to court, but the main benefit is that it results in happier, healthier children and families.”

Avoiding Court

In an ideal instance, court will be avoided, especially where children are involved. However, court cannot be avoided in 100% of family law cases. There are currently an estimated 58,762 new family cases waiting to be heard.

There have been calls for different kinds of help alongside the voucher scheme to further reduce the backlog.

The Law Society is currently investigating ways of helping people address problems before they escalate in order to prevent cases going to court unnecessarily.

Family Law Solicitor Blackheath

At Beverley Morris & Co., our experienced solicitors can help you with your family litigation needs to avoid court where possible.

Our service offering includes child arrangements, residence orders, contact orders and more.

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