Making a Will

Frequently Asked Questions About Wills Disputes

The number of inheritance disputes in England is on the rise with reports suggesting that as many as 10,000 people in England and Wales are disputing Wills every year. Several factors are believed to…

Can You Make a Will If You Have Dementia?

There are currently around 982,000 people living with dementia in the UK, according to the Alzheimer’s Society, with the figure expected to rise to 1.4 million in 2040. Dementia is not a specific…

What Legal Documents Do Unmarried Couples Need?

Living together continues to grow in popularity, with an increasing number of couples opting to cohabit without getting married or becoming civil partners.  Such is the extent of the trend that at…

What Is Estate Planning?

Estate planning is the process of effectively managing the money, property and other possessions we accumulate during our lifetime, ensuring that we have appropriate plans in place to protect these…

Black and white image of a person working on a laptop with a blank screen, suitable for adding customized content.

Why Online Will Writing is a Risk You Should Not Take

Will writing has jumped back into our headlines following the discovery of a handwritten Will under Aretha Franklin’s sofa five years after her death. Although Aretha had written a Will in 2010 (also…

Two elderly individuals reviewing a document together, with one of them holding a pen poised over the paper, possibly preparing to sign or annotate it. the image is tinted with a monochromatic color filter.

Is it possible to contest a Will after probate?

In short, probate is the legal right to deal with a person’s property, money and possessions when they die. The collective term for property, money and possessions is an ‘estate’.…

Elderly couple sharing a moment together while going through papers, possibly reminiscing or handling important matters.

Can I contest the validity of a Will? – Priscilla Presley’s challenge

In order to contest a Will in the UK, there are specific reasonings that your argument must fall under for your claim to be valid. Recently, Priscilla Presley, the ex-wife of Elvis Presley, filed a…

Model heart next to jar of coins

Supporting a Charity in my Will

Over the years, the private client team at Beverley Morris & Co. have assisted countless people in drafting and amending their Wills. We can guarantee that no two Wills are ever the same. Your…

Writing a will using quill pen

How much does it cost to make a Will with a solicitor?

The cost for a solicitor when making a Will varies, depending on various factors. When making a Will, it is essential that you do not cut any corners. Homemade Wills are often invalid as the template…

Quill pen next to 'My Will'

Can you make a Will without a solicitor?

It is possible to make a Will without a solicitor; however, it is not advisable. It is always best to instruct a reputable solicitor who will guide you through the Will writing process, helping to…